Session #4 – Alanna Nuala

Alanna Nuala performing “slut spiral”
Location: Greenpoint

lyrics and melody By Alanna Nuala


Alanna was staying at a place temporarily when we made this. Her bed was kinda in the hallway. She had just come out of an intense relationship and I am quite certain this song was written in the process of that. Alanna was a little hung over, it was raining, my XLR cord was missing so we used a very long one from Alanna’s electric guitar. It was one of those days. To top it all off  Alanna was not happy about playing in her own staircase because there was a slight chance the neighbour was a murderer not to be trusted. It was all very exciting. The staircase she picked was a nearby bridge. I love how it turned out. The sound is not perfect due to the conditions of the location but life sometimes ain’t so perfect either. Luckily. Otherwise amazing songs like this one wouldn’t have been written.


more of Alanna’s music on

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